Our Competition Team headed to Las Vegas for the USA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2024 this past weekend. Everyone did an amazing job! Here are the Team’s results:
Ms. A (9 yeard old): 1st in tradition Korean forms and creative weapons.
For Grand Champion she placed 3rd in Creative Weapons and 2nd in Traditional Korean Forms.
Colin (7 year old) received 1st in Creative Weapons and 1st in Traditional Korean Forms.
Mr. Stepp1 (16 years old): 1st in Creative Weapons. He placed 2nd in Grand Champion, Weapons Forms.
Mr. Stepp2 (16 years old): Placed 2nd in Creative Weapons.
Mrs. McMurtrie (adult): Placed 3rd in Traditional Korean Forms. She placed 2nd with Ms. James in Synchronized Sword Form.
Mrs. James (adult): Placed 2nd in Traditional Korean Forms. She placed 2nd with Mrs. McMurtrie in Synchronized Sword Form.